This is Me – English Songs for Children

♫ I’m rubbing my tummy
♫ And touching my belly button.
♫ I’m stroking my hair
♫ And showing my teeth.

♫ I have two feet
♫ And two legs, you see.
♫ Two arms, ten toes.
♫ Yes, this is me.

♫ I’m rubbing my tummy
♫ And touching my belly button.
♫ I’m stroking my hair
♫ And showing my teeth.

♫ I have two feet
♫ And two legs, you see.
♫ Two arms, ten toes.
♫ Yes, this is me.

♫ I’m rubbing my tummy
♫ And touching my belly button.
♫ I’m stroking my hair
♫ And showing my teeth.

♫ I have two feet
♫ And two legs, you see.
♫ Two arms, ten toes.
♫ Yes, this is me.

♫ I’m rubbing my tummy
♫ And touching my belly button.
♫ I’m stroking my hair
♫ And showing my teeth.

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